Kirsten Angell, RD, LD, CDCES - Link4Nutrition

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It’s Production Sale Week

Located in the short grass country of western Kansas, Lundgren Angus Ranch (LAR) is a family owned and operated registered Angus and Red Angus herd committed to producing seedstock that will meet the ever-increasing demands of today's commercial cow/calf producer and the beef industry.

LAR’s program offers both yearling bulls and heifers in their annual “Dollars” and “Sense” Production sale each February. The yearlings offered in the sale are primarily January and February born calves.

By the time this blog gets posted, we will be just two short days from that “Dollars” and “Sense” Production sale.

LAR Sale Ring

LAR Red and Black Angus Bulls

LAR Display Pens


·         pens are cleaned and bedded

·         sale cattle are brought home from the grow yard and are on display for viewing by potential buyers

·         the sale barn and clerk room are cleaned and ready for sale day

·         clerking materials are organized and in place

·         propane heaters are tested and ready for use to heat the sale barn

·         tables and chairs are set up for the meal

·         lunch is being prepared by the caterer

·         the last of the calls are being made to potential buyers

·         sale day help has the day on their schedule

·         the ranchers haven’t lost their minds from too little sleep

·         God provides beautiful weather and safety for all people and livestock on sale day

What am I forgetting?