Kirsten Angell, RD, LD, CDCES - Link4Nutrition

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What is a Blog?

“What is a blog?”

That was the question asked by my 74-year-old dad when I told him I was starting a blog.

My answer… anything from science-based information to an individual’s personal opinion about a topic and everything in between.

I had to give him my definition because the Ninth Edition of Webster, copyright 1989, I received from my aunt and uncle for high school graduation doesn’t contain the word “blog.”

My blog, this blog, Both Sides of the Plate, will be a little of everything somewhere in between.

Posts will be brief.

Posts will be transparent to show people Both Sides of the Plate in my life.

I want to incorporate humor and fun (I’m not very good at this, so bear with me).

I want to appeal to emotion.

I want to promote Link 4 Nutrition™ and our ranch, Lundgren Angus Ranch.

I want to “agvocate” for production agriculture. 

I want to help farmers and ranchers live healthy lives.

Finally, I want to use my blog as a creative outlet for the side of me that is yearning to “get out!”

That’s all.