Diary of a Frazzled Female—Part I

June 28-July 4, 2021:  Wheat harvest truck driver while trying to maintain Link 4 Nutrition business operations and contributing to harvest meals

July 5-9:  Dietitian/diabetes educator traveling for work in facilities

July 10-12:  Finish cleaning “new to us” home and packing “old” home

July 13:  Moving Day

June 28-July 13:  Wishing I was getting to waterski more

Cover Photo Credit: Karin Dalziel

Kirsten Angell

A western Kansas girl goes to college, launches her career in the city after graduation, returns to college, & then reestablishes her rural roots.  She brings with her a passion for rural Americans & helps them live healthy lives while advocating for production agriculture, specifically the way of life where her story began.


Diary of a Frazzled Female—Part II


Grilling Food Safety Tips