Infertility, Menopause, and Transitioning the Family Ranch—THE PERFECT STORM Part I


Married for approximately 10 years before being ready to start a family for reasons that will likely never be discussed on this blog.

A year passes.

No conception.

Per standard protocol (especially with advanced age) OB/GYN decides fertility lab tests should be run.

Findings…no viable eggs.

Option…donor eggs.

Not an option.

Look into alternative options.

Findings…NaPro technology with Dr. Hilgers at Saint Paul VI Institute.

Process begins.

Work with a NaPro certified provider for a year.

No conception.

Accepted into Dr. Hilgers’s care.

Multiple pre-surgery tests and procedures.


No conception within 1.5 years after surgery when pre-menopausal signs begin.

Three years after surgery, labs show post-menopausal status at a very early age.

Asking why…

·         After 10 years, why did God lay it on my heart to want to have a baby if He wasn’t going to allow that to happen?

Multiple realizations…

·         Realizing lifestyle habits have nothing to do with infertility genetics upon looking at my maternal infertility familial history.

·         Realizing how difficult it is to watch children be conceived into unfortunate situations.

·         Realizing you will never experience loving someone more than one can imagine like a mother loves her children.

·         Realizing you will never have anyone to love you in return like children love their parents.

·         Realizing life is so quiet and mundane without children to fill a home with energy, excitement, and laughter when watching your friends experience this with their children.

·         Realizing you have no one to encourage, nurture, and guide in a Godly direction.

·         Realizing how tiring life is without children to help with daily activities as you age.

·         Realizing how difficult it is to watch other women be disgruntled with their children and exasperated from being a mom.

·         Realizing how bad it hurts when people tell you that you don’t know what it’s like because you don’t have kids.

·         Realizing you will never have anyone to watch spread their wings and fly from the foundation you have established with them.

·         Realizing you will have no one to carry on your family legacy.

·         Realizing you will have no one to pass your assets to that genuinely cares about them like your children would.

·         Realizing you will have no one to care for you as you age.

The aftermath…

·         Never imagining this would happen to you as a person who always sees the glass half full.

·         Never imagining this would happen to you as a person who has attempted to live a healthy lifestyle.

·         Never imagining being taken to the emotional place you’ve been taken when infertility is combined with menopause at an early age while attempting to transition the family ranch—THE PERFECT STORM! 

Kirsten Angell

A western Kansas girl goes to college, launches her career in the city after graduation, returns to college, & then reestablishes her rural roots.  She brings with her a passion for rural Americans & helps them live healthy lives while advocating for production agriculture, specifically the way of life where her story began.

Infertility, Menopause, and Transitioning the Family Ranch—THE PERFECT STORM Part II


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