National Nutrition Month™

In March, the Academy focuses attention on healthful eating through National Nutrition Month®. This year’s theme, Personalize Your Plate, promotes creating nutritious meals to meet individuals’ cultural and personal food preferences.

National Nutrition Month® was initiated in 1973 as National Nutrition Week, and it became a month-long observance in 1980 in response to growing interest in nutrition. The second Wednesday of March is Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day, an annual celebration of the dedication of RDNs as the leading advocates for advancing the nutritional status of Americans and people around the world. This year’s observance will be March 10.

During National Nutrition Month®, the Academy encourages everyone to make informed food choices and develop sound eating and physical activity habits they can follow all year long. The Academy encourages seeking the advice of registered dietitian nutritionists – the food and nutrition experts who can help develop individualized eating and activity plans to meet people’s health goals.

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Kirsten Angell

A western Kansas girl goes to college, launches her career in the city after graduation, returns to college, & then reestablishes her rural roots.  She brings with her a passion for rural Americans & helps them live healthy lives while advocating for production agriculture, specifically the way of life where her story began.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day—March 10


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