Kirsten Angell, RD, LD, CDCES - Link4Nutrition

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Infertility, Menopause, and Transitioning the Family Ranch—THE PERFECT STORM Part III

Transitioning the Family Ranch

A desire to ranch.

A desire to preserve the family heritage.

Cows were gifted first year of marriage without a plan.

Years pass at varying levels of involvement in family operation while cowherd grows.

Still no plan.

Decision is made to move back to family ranch with no formal plan but an informal plan to “help out” while expressing interest in preserving the family homestead.

Determine family homestead can’t be preserved.

Express interest in repurposing materials in a newly built home.

Existing hired labor of older generation and male chauvinistic and cultist religion/culture often at odds with next generation returning to ranch.

Existing hired labor leaves.

Hopeful for the future but still no plan.

Differing management and operating styles result in challenges.

No action on family homestead.

Search for answers as to cause of behavior.

Possible undiagnosed and unacknowledged behavioral health issue (click on link for adult signs).

A long history of family enabling inappropriate behavior, sibling dissention and no communication.

Compassion but difficult for an individual of opposite belief, behavior, and personality.

Results in inner self-conflict and a significant decline in mental, emotional, and physical health.

Relationships are most important, but relationships are suffering, in addition to health, to the point that a plan is being developed.  Not plan A but a plan no less.

Action will be taken and outcomes will likely be shared at a later date.

Some might think infertility and menopause are the most severe of the trifecta, but for those in the production side of farming and ranching, you know transitioning the family ranch is the pinnacle of THE PERFECT STORM!