Both Sides of The Plate
Kirsten Angell, RD, LD, CDCES, fourth generation rancher and registered dietitian, shares the science and the story of production agriculture while motivating farmers and ranchers to live healthy lives.
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day—March 10
Registered dietitians are food and nutrition experts, translating the science of nutrition into practical solutions for healthy living. The expertise, training and credentials that back a registered dietitian are vital for promoting positive lifestyle choices.
National Nutrition Month™
In March, the Academy focuses attention on healthful eating through National Nutrition Month®. This year’s theme, Personalize Your Plate, promotes creating nutritious meals to meet individuals’ cultural and personal food preferences.
Best. Swim. Ever.
Maybe it was the new goggles. Maybe it was the full night of sleep I finally got the night prior. Maybe it was being properly fueled for the activity.
THAT is what I want to talk about in this post…being properly fueled for activity.
February is National Canned Food Month
Canned vegetables have many benefits. These include but are not limited to keeping all the same nutrients as fresh veggies while having the convenience of a much longer “shelf life”.
Guilt: A Three-Part Series Part III: Physical Activity-Weakness
A vicious cycle…based on research and personal experience, knowing intentional physical activity helps with physical, mental, and emotional well-being but not making time for it or not making it a priority to fit it in to my daily schedule.
Guilt: A Three-Part Series Part II: Eating Healthy—Not Emotional Eating
To be clear, I am not talking about an issue of emotional eating. I am talking about guilt and frustration resulting from a lack of time, whether perceived or real, to eat healthy.
Guilt: A Three-Part Series Part I: Social Media—One Night Stolen
And then another night stolen…and then a morning stolen…
And then the guilt and frustration set in.
New Year’s Resolutions
Why wait to make a healthy lifestyle change? That’s really what a New Year’s Resolution is, right?
Why not make a change now?
Better yet…why make New Year’s Resolutions at all?
Cooking with Kids During the Holidays
With special treats and family gatherings, the perfect time to teach your child about cooking and nutrition is during the holidays! Kids not only will get to try the new foods they prepare, but they also will get a big boost to their confidence when they see family and friends enjoying their creations. Most importantly, cooking with your children will promote future health by teaching them about nutrition and how to prepare healthy meals.
Introducing Kids (and Adults) to Seasonal Winter Foods
When the temperatures drop and the daylight hours are shorter, energy levels can take a big dip, right along with mood. Kids might be less active in the cold, winter months, making it extra important to focus on getting the right nutrition this time of year. Changes in mood, energy, focus, appetite and sleep aren’t uncommon but could be signs of a more serious underlying condition. Healthful food choices can help support your child’s mental health.
Healthy Holiday Nutrition Tips
PREPARE…to host the holiday festivities.
PRODUCTION Make foods that are disease and weight management friendly.
PROVIDE…recipes to friends & family members willing to help.
PRODUCE Whether planning or attending the festivities, remember to offer or choose fresh fruits & veggies vs. high carbohydrate, high fat, low nutrient dense options.
PARTAKE…of water & no-calorie beverages vs. high calorie beverages or alcohol.
Wash Your Hands
National Handwashing Awareness Week is December 1-7!
During the COVID-19 pandemic, proper hand-washing is especially important to keep you and your family safe!
Pogo® Glucose Monitoring System
National Diabetes Month brings great news!
For everyone with diabetes who has ever wished for a One-Step™ blood sugar testing glucometer, we have arrived!
POGO® is here!
November is National Diabetes Month
National Diabetes Month is a time when communities across the country team up to bring awareness to diabetes.
Diabetes is one of the most common chronic conditions in school-age youth in the United States, affecting about 193,000 youth under 20 years old. That’s why it’s important to help youth develop a plan to manage diabetes.
Be Slow To Speak
This post is to help presenters learn from some of my mistakes, as well as, mistakes of others (not necessarily during presentations).
Just lessons to remind us to think before we speak … something I don’t always do well.
What is a Blog?
“What is a blog?”
That was the question asked by my 74-year-old dad when I told him I was starting a blog.
My answer… anything from science-based information to an individual’s personal opinion about a topic and everything in between.
Connect with Kirsten for Her Eloquent Writing Skills or Her Dynamic Presentation Services
Kirsten is well versed in public speaking and written dialogue and is ready to join the lineup for your next virtual or in-person event as well as to enlighten your readers.